Calling all misfits! We are always looking for eclectic, DIY, alternative, and weird artists.


Subscribe to our mailing list and follow our Instagram account so you don’t miss our applications!

We’ll make some announcement posts on our Instagram on upcoming market dates and application deadlines.
We send one email out to our mailing list with the application link.  Fill out that application form!

You don’t need to email us and ask because now you know how it works :)

If you have applied for a Punk Rock Flea Market Edmonton event before (even if you haven't been accepted) PLEASE apply again! We do like to change things up and keep our vendors fresh and exciting, but we also know that many of our customers come out specifically for our returning vendors.

Do understand that we want to accept everyone but we don't have the capacity or space to do so.
Please be respectful of our curation choices for each event, and don’t harass our staff if you weren’t accepted. <3


There are a few reasonable guidelines on what you can sell (Nothing illegal, no weapons, no live animals, No bat bones,  etc). Anyone who pays the vending fee and agrees to abide by our guidelines is welcome to sell their stuff.  Be sure to read through the vendor application and policies thoroughly!


If you apply and are accepted, and paid your vendor fee, but can no longer vend with us, please note: There are NO REFUNDS OR ROLLOVERS TO ANOTHER MARKET FOR CANCELLATIONS.

You also cannot "sell" your space to someone else, as this is a curated event.

If you’re not accepted but waitlisted, be ready for last minute changes! Last market we had 3 vendors drop out the night before. 99% of waitlisted vendors we contacted about taking over a space were not ready.


This also goes for homophobia, transphobia, sexism, xenophobia and all the other bad isms/ phobias. If you get caught selling or behaving this way you will be kicked out. You will not be refunded your artist fee and we will donate it to an appropriate nonprofit.


Go read our FAQ page for more information and tips on what we are looking for in vendor applications.


If you’ve applied and were not accepted into the PRFMYEG we implore you to try again in the future! Although we’d love to let everyone into our market, we get over twice as many applicants as we have spaces.

We are a curated market and we are striving for an overall aesthetic. We’re looking for unique, weird, low brow. Be passionate about your work and stand out from crowd. Be friendly and professional. Be involved with the community and supportive of your fellow creators.

Some reasons for not being accepted : Incomplete applications. Not enough photos submitted. (We are trying to get a proper sense of your work and judge it accurately. If accepted, we need enough media to help promote your work) No vendor photo (Not mandatory right now but we are trying to get to know you and your brand properly.) No booth photos (This is also optional right now but we want to push this as it shows your overall work. This complete package helps us understand your work and story better. It’s also very helpful in knowing how/where to best set you up in the market based on your table and display requirements.) Low quality of media supplied. (Bad quality photography or file size is too small / pixelated / bad screen shots etc) Overall quality of your work isn’t there yet. (Keep going! Get better and apply in the future)

No social media or all social media is private.  Bad news but this is an automatic no. As a professional creator you should at least have a separate Instagram account setup for your work. As a brand, you need to be building a base of followers. Cross promotion on social media is mandatory for our events as the more eyeballs we have on our events - the more people come out and spend money on your goods. Help us, help you.

We’re not interested in Marvel / Disney / Pokemon / Harry Potter / Star Wars / etc.  Cosplay / Fan art / Anime. There’s lots of other markets for that. That being said, if your take on it is unique and different enough it might be amazing?

Keep showing us what you’ve got!

Love, peace and chicken grease!

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